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Practical exercises for ...

In this section you will find some resources that you can put into practice without the need to go to the psychologist, although the supervision and monitoring of a professional is always recommended.
I have captured different common themes that I think may be useful.

If your are interested in one of these exercises,  just send me an email and we will send you the sheets in English.


Anxiety is very broad and involves various underlying problems, so ideally, these aspects should be worked on during therapy. But there are some guidelines that you can put into practice to manage anxiety and reduce suffering.

Here are some tips.


Breathing is a resource, which if practiced, can be used in many situations in which we are activated due to anxiety, stress or fear. Therefore, I leave you a guide so that you can put it into practice and use this resource.


Many times we don't know where to start when we have a problem. Here I present a small guide with steps to follow and questions to ask yourself so that you can resolve any of your conflicts.


One of the most common problems in our social relationships is the lack or ineffectiveness of communication. Therefore, here I have described the three most common communication patterns so that you can be aware of which of them you use in certain situations and with certain people. Everything is trainable.


Normally we always have our head occupied with ruminative thoughts. These are almost unconscious thoughts that appear and develop automatically. They are repeated over and over again and they make us suffer because they usually represent a distortion of reality. For this reason, I think it is important to know the different patterns that human beings have when thinking, in order to be able to observe oneself and be aware of what thoughts their mind usually deviates towards.


This technique is a kind of conversation that one can have with himself to question the objectivity of some thought that he has detected that makes him suffer. I have represented a diagram with some sample questions, so that you can carry out the process.


Sometimes we find ourselves lost and we don't know why we feel great dissatisfaction in life. It is important to review our values, ask ourselves what is the direction of our compass in each of the areas of life. Therefore, I leave you some common areas so that you can reflect in which direction your needle is currently pointing.

Recursos: Recursos
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